Why and how to register before you start treatment

We provide free online diagnosis and medicine if you get no improvement from local doctor. The diagnose is carried out by qualified doctors in online hospital which is setup in China(Online hospital is legal in China). Our main purpose is to maximize efficiency and reduce the chance of negative customer reviews.

The reason why secondary diagnosis and treatment can improve the efficiency is because in some sense, treating long COVID by Chinese medicine is like solving math problems, that is to say, it may require a process of repeated optimization for a specific person. This is a bit like the process of trying over and over again to solve math problems when you were in middle school. Although you may know every theorem, you may still feel desperate when facing a difficult problem(despite repeated attempts). At this time, if you try another approach that has never been tried before, you may succeed.

This is what we want to achieve by providing free follow-up diagnosis and treatment.

Another purpose of providing free diagnosis and treatment is that we want to obtain data on the effectiveness of treating long COVID as a whole (including all participating doctors).

The reasons we want to obtain this data are as follows: a) Although we will not attract the attention of the FDA in the beginning, if the number of patients gradually increases, we may face charges at some point in the future, and then we will need the effective data to defend ourselves. Since it may be too late to collect data then, obtaining data in advance is a more reasonable choice. b) We also believe that, although RCT should not be used to measure the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, if there is enough data, the overall effectiveness for certain symptoms (such as brain fog) can eventually be obtained, and the value will be significantly higher than that of modern medicine (the current effectiveness rate is almost 0), this is also a way to prove traditional medicine Chinese medicine to the FDA and society.

Obviously, in order to obtain more accurate data, it is best to ask you to register before treatment begins. Otherwise, only patients who get no improvement from the first treatment will contact us, and the effective data will obviously be greatly reduced.

So if you want to get free follow-up treatment, please fill out this questionnaire before seek help from any doctor in our list(the reason why the questionnaire contains many seemingly unrelated questions is because Chinese medicine believes that people should be seen as a whole, and any clues will be helpful in treating the disease).

If you don’t want to fill in such a detailed questionnaire, you can also send an email to [email protected] and briefly describe your main symptoms.

Finally, we assure you that we will not disclose any of your personal data unless being charged and required by a court.

Posted in 未分类.