Part V:Why treatment should be done in steps

When using traditional Chinese medicine, although most of the sequelae of COVID-19 can be cured within a month, there are also cases that require repeated visits and take months to cure. Here are a few common reasons:

Deal with the follow-up problems first

For example, when there is a problem with the lungs, the downstream foot Yangming meridian has slow Qi and blood circulation, resulting in Qi stagnation or blood stasis. The patient will be afraid of heat, sweat a lot and drink a lot of water. At this time, the problem of Yangming meridian should be solved first. The problem of the lungs can be treated after the symptoms of fear of heat and excessive sweating are cured. Otherwise, if too many drugs are given to the patient at the same time, these drugs may interfere with each other. Note that X-ray or CT reports are OK does not mean there is no problem with the lungs(in these cases, our instruments are even more sensitive than CT).

Improve the patient’s physical condition before use the drug with a large reaction

For example, the so-called “brain fog” is described in the Shan Han Lun as forgetfulness, a key feature of which is a marked deterioration in short-term memory. For such patients, Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan, Tao Ren Cheng Qi Decoction and even Di Dang Decoction should be used for treatment. However, the latter two drugs will cause the patient to have diarrhea (pus and blood in the stool) since the blood stasis hinder the flow of Qi in foot Yangming meridian. Obviously, it is difficult for the patient to undergo this treatment if he is weak. Therefore, other drugs must be used to restore the patient’s strength before formal treatment can be started. This is the same as Western medicine must wait until physical conditions permit before performing surgery.

Avoid disrupting the pathological balance

Sometimes the patient has developed a deformed new balance(even though the Qi and blood are very weak at that time). Disturbing this pathological balance can lead to discomfort and even danger to the patient. It looks like a river which is congested everywhere. But there is still a small amount of water (corresponding to the Qi and blood in the meridians) in each section of the river, so the patient, although weak, can perform daily routine without need of first aid. If a doctor don’t consider these delicate balances, and choose a section to start dredging, the water in the corresponding section may be drained, and the fish in it will die of thirst (the corresponding internal organs may strike at that time).

Non-medical factors

Sometimes the reasons for step-by-step treatment have nothing to do with medicine. For example, if ephedra cannot be get in the patient’s country, the corresponding disease can only be left untreated at this time. Another example is that some patients are full of doubts about traditional Chinese medicine. Since most Westerners cannot accept turbid potions boiled from grass roots and bark, we can only choose granules or capsules, and treat a small part of his symptoms first.

The patient’s chronic illness is too complicated

Generally speaking, patients who get long COVID recently may recover after one or two treatments. However, if the patient does not receive effective treatment for a long time (a year or more), or receives harmful treatment (such as hormones), more and more meridians or internal organs will be affected. In the end, the doctor is facing a mess. Doctors must analyze carefully, find clues from the mess, and solve the mystery step by step in order to restore the patient’s health. This situation is the most troublesome.Even dozens of prescription changes is needed before the patient can be cured. And there are often relapse during treatment.

Posted in Chinese Medicine KB.