Research Papers

The following are links to published papers which appear in the library of in the past six months. They are mainly prepared for those who insist on using evidence-based medicine as the only basis for judgment. It should be noted that we do not think that RCT should be used to judge the effect of traditional Chinese medicine, nor do we agree with most of the following papers if they use RCT as a criteria. If a patient contact a Chinese medicine doctor for help, chances are the doctor will not use any […]

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Successful cases and effective rate so far

From June 2023, I’ve been trying to consult doctors on China’s internet hospitals to prescribe herbs for long COVID patients, and three persons took part in this program. Among them two people were helped. One of the patients is a long COVID patient who has been ill for three years. The main symptoms are fatigue and brain fog, but there are also other symptoms, such as drowsiness, dizziness, cold shin, cold hands, insomnia, and a sense of pressure on the head. After three months of treatment (ox […]

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Why should we try a not evidence based medicine?

The following words are written after I had a long voice talk with a Singapore friend, trying to persuade him to try herbal medicine. You can find a copy here. 1. Why Chinese Medicine May Work? While it is true that the global medical community lacks a clear and definitive understanding of the mechanisms behind long COVID, there is an indisputable fact: a significant percentage of infected individuals (potentially as high as 90%) remain asymptomatic. This suggests that the body’s immune system plays a […]

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LC or not LC, that’s not an important question

Recently, Queensland Chief Health Officer finished a study, saying that long COVID does not exist, and that the sequelae are actually no different from other diseases. Some contents of this study may be correct (for example, fatigue, vomiting, dizziness, rib pain, etc. are common symptoms in traditional Chinese medicine and are easy to treat), but the conclusion is wrong (when you are suffering from long COVID, you naturally know this), and it shows people how ridiculous results may be obtained by using rig […]

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