Part V:Why treatment should be done in steps

When using traditional Chinese medicine, although most of the sequelae of COVID-19 can be cured within a month, there are also cases that require repeated visits and take months to cure. Here are a few common reasons: Deal with the follow-up problems first For example, when there is a problem with the lungs, the downstream foot Yangming meridian has slow Qi and blood circulation, resulting in Qi stagnation or blood stasis. The patient will be afraid of heat, sweat a lot and drink a lot of water. At this tim […]

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Part IV: Meridian, organ and Qi

Although the meridians appear to be just some channels (rivers) on the surface of the human body on the meridian diagram, these meridians all have branches in the trunk that enter the body and the internal organs. The following table shows the connection between the main meridians and internal organs: 11pm-1am Foot Shaoyang —- Gallbladder 1am-3am Foot Jueyin —- Liver 3am-5am Hand Taiyin —- Lungs 5am-7am Hand Yangming —- Large Intestine 7am-9am Foot Yangming —- Stomach 9am-11am Foot Taiyin —- Spleen 11am-1pm […]

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Part III: Same formula for different symptoms

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the human body has 12 main meridians. These meridians have long routes. For example, the foot Shaoyang meridian passes through the ears, the side of the chest and abdomen (rib side), the outer side of the legs, and all the way down to the feet. Therefore, when there is a problem with this meridian, people may get different symptoms. For example, some people will feel dizzy, some people will have swelling and pain in the ears (or tinnitus and deafness) […]

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Part II: How Does Acupuncture Work?

Herbal medicine and acupunture are two pillars of traditional Chinese medicine, this leads to another question: how does acupuncture work? Basically, acupuncture works by getting at the underlying cause of the problem and helping the body to heal itself. In Chinese medicine disease is seen as caused by imbalances; when we correct these imbalances, the body naturally heals and the symptom goes away. For example, if you’re having insomnia because you’re stressed and in “fight-or-flight” survival mode, then yo […]

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Part I: Different formula for same disease

Unlike Western medicine, Chinese medicine mainly uses herbs (and sometimes minerals or biological substances). While these may not seem so pure or clean, don’t forget that the food we eat and drinks are not absolutely pure and clean too. So it’s actually not that hard to accept. Another important concept in Chinese medicine is formula. In order to cure a disease, it is often necessary to use multiple herbal medicines at the same time (just like a maintenance worker cannot carry a screwdriver only, he may ne […]

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