Case analysis: The effect of traditional Chinese medicine in treating a long COVID patient and the usage of meridian Qi measurement device in assisting diagnosis

Qiang Wei*(Jingwei Healing Technology Limited), Karen Fritzemeier Abstract: In recent years, long COVID has attracted the attention of many researchers. Among many kinds of symptoms, brain fog and fatigue are more challenging. Most scholars believe that there is currently no effective treatment. At the same time, although traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) may be effective in treating fatigue, the prescription requires ephedra and is therefore not possible in most Western countries, necessitating the search […]

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Finger temperature fluctuations of a COVID-19 patient

Abstract: In recent years, studies have found that rapid temperature fluctuations can be observed by measuring and recording infrared temperature on different fingers even if the patient does not alternate between feeling hot and cold. After the COVID-19 epidemic spread widely in China, a similar result was also found in a COVID-19 patient: the infrared temperature on the ulnar side of the ring finger and the radial side of the little finger appeared to fluctuate with an amplitude greater than 0.5 degrees e […]

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