Case analysis: The effect of traditional Chinese medicine in treating a long COVID patient and the usage of meridian Qi measurement device in assisting diagnosis

Qiang Wei*(Jingwei Healing Technology Limited), Karen Fritzemeier

Abstract: In recent years, long COVID has attracted the attention of many researchers. Among many kinds of symptoms, brain fog and fatigue are more challenging. Most scholars believe that there is currently no effective treatment. At the same time, although traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) may be effective in treating fatigue, the prescription requires ephedra and is therefore not possible in most Western countries, necessitating the search for possible alternatives. The author took part in the treatment of a long COVID patient since 2022. During the treatment, oxygen therapy was used even if the blood oxygen level was normal. The results show that oxygen therapy has a certain effect on waking up during the night/night sweating. This article also describes the therapeutic effects of Chinese herbal medicine, and cupping on alleviating symptoms such as eyelid weakness, cold legs, cold hands, feeling cold for a while then hot for a while, and easy waking up. At the end of the therapy, the fatigue of the patient was also relieved to some extent. In addition, the author used a newly invented meridian measuring device to assist in the selection of prescriptions. The results show that this approach can improve the treatment effect and increase the effectiveness of prescription.

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