Case analysis: The effect of traditional Chinese medicine in treating a long COVID patient and the usage of meridian Qi measurement device in assisting diagnosis

Qiang Wei*(Jingwei Healing Technology Limited), Karen Fritzemeier Abstract: In recent years, long COVID has attracted the attention of many researchers. Among many kinds of symptoms, brain fog and fatigue are more challenging. Most scholars believe that there is currently no effective treatment. At the same time, although traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) may be effective in treating fatigue, the prescription requires ephedra and is therefore not possible in most Western countries, necessitating the search […]

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Usage of the device in assisting diagnose

The following content are excerpt from a case analysis to show that the meridian measuring device can be used to select correct formula. You can visit this link to read the full content. 2.Xuefu Zhuyu Tang may be more effective Many studies have shown that the COVID-19 virus can cause micro clots in a human body[2]. In view of TCM, in patients with long COVID who have not received timely treatment for a long time, removing blood stasis should also be an important part of the treatment. For the patient in th […]

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Research Papers

The following are links to published papers which appear in the library of in the past six months. They are mainly prepared for those who insist on using evidence-based medicine as the only basis for judgment. It should be noted that we do not think that RCT should be used to judge the effect of traditional Chinese medicine, nor do we agree with most of the following papers if they use RCT as a criteria. If a patient contact a Chinese medicine doctor for help, chances are the doctor will not use any […]

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Why and how to register before you start treatment

We provide free online diagnosis and medicine if you get no improvement from local doctor. The diagnose is carried out by qualified doctors in online hospital which is setup in China(Online hospital is legal in China). Our main purpose is to maximize efficiency and reduce the chance of negative customer reviews. The reason why secondary diagnosis and treatment can improve the efficiency is because in some sense, treating long COVID by Chinese medicine is like solving math problems, that is to say, it may re […]

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Meridian measurement wave forms commonly seen in patients with long COVID

You may be doubtful whether Chinese medicine can really treat long COVID. One of the reasons why it can is that Chinese medicine understands the existence of meridians, and many symptoms of long COVID are caused by damage to the meridians. You can measure by yourself to verify this claim. If you are a long COVID patient, send an email to [email protected] with your address (it can be the address of a pickup point), and we will send you a meridian measuring device for free(we plan to give 20 devices for now). […]

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Successful cases and effective rate so far

From June 2023, I’ve been trying to consult doctors on China’s internet hospitals to prescribe herbs for long COVID patients, and three persons took part in this program. Among them two people were helped. One of the patients is a long COVID patient who has been ill for three years. The main symptoms are fatigue and brain fog, but there are also other symptoms, such as drowsiness, dizziness, cold shin, cold hands, insomnia, and a sense of pressure on the head. After three months of treatment (ox […]

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Why should we try a not evidence based medicine?

The following words are written after I had a long voice talk with a Singapore friend, trying to persuade him to try herbal medicine. You can find a copy here. 1. Why Chinese Medicine May Work? While it is true that the global medical community lacks a clear and definitive understanding of the mechanisms behind long COVID, there is an indisputable fact: a significant percentage of infected individuals (potentially as high as 90%) remain asymptomatic. This suggests that the body’s immune system plays a […]

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LC or not LC, that’s not an important question

Recently, Queensland Chief Health Officer finished a study, saying that long COVID does not exist, and that the sequelae are actually no different from other diseases. Some contents of this study may be correct (for example, fatigue, vomiting, dizziness, rib pain, etc. are common symptoms in traditional Chinese medicine and are easy to treat), but the conclusion is wrong (when you are suffering from long COVID, you naturally know this), and it shows people how ridiculous results may be obtained by using rig […]

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Finger temperature fluctuations of a COVID-19 patient

Abstract: In recent years, studies have found that rapid temperature fluctuations can be observed by measuring and recording infrared temperature on different fingers even if the patient does not alternate between feeling hot and cold. After the COVID-19 epidemic spread widely in China, a similar result was also found in a COVID-19 patient: the infrared temperature on the ulnar side of the ring finger and the radial side of the little finger appeared to fluctuate with an amplitude greater than 0.5 degrees e […]

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Part V:Why treatment should be done in steps

When using traditional Chinese medicine, although most of the sequelae of COVID-19 can be cured within a month, there are also cases that require repeated visits and take months to cure. Here are a few common reasons: Deal with the follow-up problems first For example, when there is a problem with the lungs, the downstream foot Yangming meridian has slow Qi and blood circulation, resulting in Qi stagnation or blood stasis. The patient will be afraid of heat, sweat a lot and drink a lot of water. At this tim […]

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